What Are the Best CMS Systems In 2024?

Nidhi Inamdar|January 19, 2024|17 Minute read|
/ / What Are the Best CMS Systems In 2024?



Global e-commerce sales have reached an astounding $5.7 trillion in 2024, indicating an expanding industry.  

Any business owner joining this dynamic industry must first choose the right Content Management System (CMS). Establishing, managing, and expanding your online store with the help of a robust content management system (CMS) will position you for success.     

CMS: What is it?  

Software that helps collaborative content creation, modification, and distribution without the need for technical know-how is what a content management system (CMS) is essentially. Imagine a user-friendly platform that allows teams from marketing, editing, and content creation to collaborate easily without depending entirely on coders. For huge websites with a worldwide audience, this collaborative environment provides a consistent brand messaging and an effective workflow for content.  

CMS: Two Key Elements  

  • CMA  

With the help of the Content Management Application (CMA), non-technical users such as merchandisers, marketers, and content creators can now manage things on their own, freeing up the IT team to work on more strategic projects.  

  • Web Content Management (WCM)

This acronym, which stands for "web content management," highlights the primary duty of arranging and distributing digital content. 

The Key Features of a CMS Solution for 2024  

  • Enhanced Security: Robust security features are vital in today's data-driven environment. Select a platform that places a high priority on secure authentication procedures, data encryption, and routine vulnerability assessment to preserve client data and protect your company.  

  • Multilingual Capabilities: Supporting a variety of consumers is essential as the global market grows. Select a content management system (CMS) that is multilingual so you can easily reach more people and grow your business.  

  • Omnichannel Support: A cohesive omnichannel experience is essential since customers are constantly leaping between platforms and devices. To provide a seamless and customized consumer journey, your CMS should interface with several touchpoints, such as physical stores, social media platforms, and mobile apps.  

  • Personalization: Encouraging and maintaining a loyal customer base requires providing a personalized shopping experience. Seek for a content management system (CMS) that uses AI and data analytics to customize content, promotions, and product recommendations so that each user experience is unique.  

  • Intuitive Interface: For both technical and non-technical users, an intuitive interface is essential. Select a content management system (CMS) that has an easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface so that anyone can contribute and manage content.   

  • Real-time Monitoring: To optimize your e-commerce strategy, you must constantly monitor customer behavior and website performance. Select a CMS that provides thorough analytics and reporting capabilities, giving you the essential information to optimize your store and make wise decisions.  

  • Flexibility and Scalability: Your CMS should be able to grow and change with your company as it does. Select a platform that allows you to add new features and functionalities as your business grows, due to its flexible architecture and robust plugin ecosystem.  

  • Sustaining Innovation and Debugging: Seek a Content Management System that places a high priority on routine upgrades, security patches, and bug fixes. Maintaining your platform's security, dependability, and up-to-date features while staying innovative and troubleshooting it proactively is the best way to stay ahead of the curve.  

Key Features CMS - Lucent Innovation

Selecting the ideal content management system (CMS) is an essential choice that can greatly affect your e-commerce success. Prioritizing those important characteristics will help you choose a platform that will allow you to create a successful online store and meet your business objectives in the dynamic environment of 2024 and beyond.  

1. WordPress 

WordPress is a free open-source content management system (CMS) that is ideal for producing blogs, small company websites, and corporate websites. The WordPress directory contains a large number of free WordPress plugins and themes. It is a content management system that is easier to use than other free CMS software. Because there are numerous free materials available on the internet, anyone can easily learn WordPress. It uses PHP and MySQL to provide you with the tools you need to build a feature-rich website or blog with written material, videos, photos, and more. WordPress is among your good alternatives if you're searching for something simple to establish. This is a fantastic option for both new and seasoned users.  


    • With over 43.2% of all websites running on it, WordPress is the most popular content management system.   
    • User-friendly interface and a drag-and-drop editor.   
    • A huge ecosystem of themes and plugins that make customization possible.  
    • Large and active community for support and troubleshooting.   


    • Inadequate security management could be reason for concern.   
    • Performance might suffer if there are too many installed plugins.   
    • Not the greatest for highly intricate websites with specific requirements. 

    2. Shopify 

    Shopify is a robust e-commerce platform with a myriad of features. The Shopify platform is being used by over 800,000 global businesses, according to Ecommerce research. Let's look at some more statistics of this nature:

    Shopify claims to have 23% market share in the U.S. 

    Shopify is a one-stop-shop and a DIY tool for all things eCommerce. Small businesses may use a single dashboard to set up their digital stores, maintain their products, and manage all orders. Shopify's free connectivity with eBay and Amazon without any need for proprietary coding is a significant benefit. Store owners can effortlessly attract good customers and boost sales. 

    Some of its best features include: 

    • With the templates' straightforward settings, you can easily modify your storefront. 
    • Enable mobile shopping cart by gaining full access to your website's HTML and CSS. 
    • Make use of your domain. 
    • A full-featured CMS system is available to you. 
    • To handle your business on the go, download the Shopify app. 
    • With only one click, you may fulfill several orders. 
    • Gift cards, discounts, and social media integration can all be enabled. 
    • Importing and exporting products is achieved with CSV files. 
    • Provide several attractive, professional, and mobile-friendly themes. 
    • Provide consumers with a variety of apps that cover a wide range of topics, such as marketing, bookkeeping, inventory management, shipping, and more. 

    Lucent Innovation provides applications that are helpful and efficient for the merchants. For example, we have an application that helps merchants earn some revenue while providing shipping protection and insurance to the customers. 

    Shopify is an excellent choice for anyone looking to establish a drop shipping or small business. Shopify is a location where you can design a well-functioning website of your own without problems, even if you're new to website building or a start-up with merely a company idea.


    • Intuitive interface and drag-and-drop functionality make it easy for anyone to create and manage an online store. 
    • Thousands of themes and apps available to customize your store's look, feel, and functionality. 
    • Accommodates businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. 


    • Transaction fees and App costs 
    • SEO limitations 
    • Reliance on Shopify 

    3. Magento 

    Magento is a robust online eCommerce platform from Adobe, the world's largest software firm. Magento Open Source is a free version that you may download on your website hosting account. Cloud hosting and premium support are included in the subscription edition. For large enterprises with several brands or sites, this solution gives you instant access to each of Magento's features, including multi-store possibilities. The pricing also includes full BigCommerce integration, allowing it to work in tandem with your website. Magento may be the correct fit for you if you want an all-in-one system that doesn't require any additional coding or technical skills. It controls more than 80% of the online retail market—and it's rapidly expanding! 


    • Leading e-commerce platform with powerful features and scalability. 
    • Extensive marketplace for themes, extensions, and integrations. 
    • Comprehensive marketing and SEO tools to boost sales. 


    • Requires significant technical knowledge and resources for setup and maintenance. 
    • Can be expensive, especially for larger stores. 
    • Not suitable for simple online stores or non-e-commerce websites. 

    4. Joomla 

    Popular open-source content management system (CMS) Joomla is perfect for creating intricate and feature-rich websites. Joomla's extensive extension library, adaptable architecture, and powerful features help users to build dynamic websites for a range of applications including online communities, e-commerce sites, blogs, and portfolios

    Despite providing a strong and adaptable platform, Joomla can have a steeper learning curve than other CMS options that are more suited for beginners. Furthermore, users who aren't familiar with website development may find the wide variety of customization options difficult. Joomla is still an appealing choice, though, for people looking for a powerful and adaptable content management system (CMS) to create intricate and feature-rich websites. 


    • Open-source CMS with a strong community. 
    • Highly customizable and scalable, suitable for complex websites. 
    • Robust security features and built-in multilingual support. 


    • Learning curve steeper than WordPress, requiring some technical knowledge. 
    • Plugin and theme ecosystem smaller than WordPress. 
    • Less user-friendly interface compared to some other options. 

    5. Drupal 

    Consider a website that provides a variety of user bases, each with their own demands and preferences. This is possible because of Drupal's modular architecture. Personalized content experiences, specific features, and custom workflows can all be built and integrated with ease by developers. 

    Drupal is a platform that encourages creativity and collaboration rather than just being a tool for developers. Editors and content creators can contribute without requiring technical knowledge thanks to its user-friendly interface. Because Drupal is an open-source platform with a robust API, it can be seamlessly integrated with other tools and applications, so the collaboration goes beyond the walls of the organization. This promotes a thriving ecosystem where developers can share their knowledge and build on each other's efforts, advancing the platform and guaranteeing its continuous development. 

    Beyond features and functionality, Drupal focuses on providing a dynamic and collaborative environment that enables businesses to create and manage their digital presence with previously unheard-of efficiency and flexibility. It's proof of the effectiveness of open-source innovation, creating a community that consistently pushes the bounds of what's possible. 


    • Highly scalable and secure, ideal for big business websites. 
    • Granular control and strong content management features. 
    • Custom development is enabled by the architecture's flexibility and modularity. 


    • Among popular CMS platforms, it has the steepest learning curve. 
    • requires a high level of technical know-how to customize. 
    • Not the best option for new users or small websites. 

    6. PrestaShop 

    A well-liked open-source e-commerce platform called PrestaShop makes it easy for companies of all sizes to set up and run online stores. Its large community, robust features, and easy-to-use interface make it a popular choice for businesses and entrepreneurs looking to succeed in the competitive marketplace of e-commerce. 

    PrestaShop recognizes that developing relationships with customers is just as important to e-commerce as selling products. Personalized shopping experiences, relevant content engagement, and open communication are all made possible by its user-friendly interface, which gives businesses the power to innovate. Transactions become long-term relationships as a result of this encouraging client loyalty and repeat business. 

    Businesses can establish more meaningful connections with their clients, foster loyalty and trust, and confidently negotiate the cutthroat world of online commerce because of. PrestaShop. It is a true leader in sustainable business growth because of its all-encompassing strategy. 


    • Popular open-source e-commerce platform with a large community. 
    • User-friendly interface with easy-to-use features. 
    • Cost-effective compared to other e-commerce platforms. 


    • Not as feature rich as Magento or Shopify. 
    • Smaller plugin and theme ecosystem compared to other options. 
    • May require custom development for advanced functionality. 

    Benefits of Content Management Systems: Streamlined Website Development and Maintenance. 

    1. Automatic Updates to the Website  

    The complexity of maintaining your website is eliminated with content management systems (CMS). Content Management Systems (CMS) offer user-friendly interfaces that enable anyone to make changes, regardless of technical proficiency, in contrast to traditional methods that demand coding knowledge. Teams can now quickly and easily update text, images, and multimedia on websites without sacrificing consistency or functionality thanks to this. Furthermore, CMS makes it possible to update the entire website in bulk, which saves time and confirms reliable communication. 

    2. Adaptable Resolutions for Expanding Enterprises

    Your online presence must change as your company grows. CMS platforms offer an affordable means of scaling your website in tandem with your business initiatives. It becomes easy to add new pages, content types, and functionalities, so you can expand your offerings and meet your growing needs without having to start from scratch. Because of its adaptability, your website will continue to be interesting and relevant as your company grows. 

    3. Untethered Website Administration

    The days of needing to manage your website on a single computer are long gone. Content management systems (CMS) facilitate remote access, enabling teams to oversee and modify content from any location and device. Collaboration and productivity are enhanced by this flexibility, particularly for teams that operate remotely or in different locations.

    4. Easy-to-use Interface for All Users

    Technical knowledge is not necessary because CMS platforms prioritize the user experience. Pre-designed templates, easily accessible modules, and user-friendly interfaces with drag-and-drop capability are features that the majority of providers offer. Rather than requiring IT support for minor updates, this user-friendly approach streamlines the creation and management of websites, making them accessible to everyone from marketing teams to content creators. 

    5. Simplified Collaboration and Workflow

    CMS systems offer a team-based website administration environment. User permissions ensure effective workflow and controlled access to sensitive information by enabling team members to view and edit particular website sections pertinent to their roles. This method creates a more effective and productive team environment by removing confusion and streamlining the content creation and publishing processes. 

    Top CMS Trends: Trend Overview for 2024 

    AI Driven 

    Content creation is automated, experiences are personalized, and content recommendations are optimized AI. 

    Mobile Only 

    Mobile-friendly functionality and design are given priority on websites. 

    Headless APIs 

    The key feature that enables smooth integration with other platforms and services. 

    Strong Security 

    It is essential to have strong security measures in place and adhere to data privacy laws. 

    Intuitive Design 

    All people can access and use websites because of their inclusive design. 


    For low-code/no-code development makes it easier for people without much technical experience to create websites. 


    Individual user preferences are taken into account when creating content and experiences. 


    Focus on e-commerce CMS systems and e-commerce solutions combine seamlessly. 

    Multi-channel Advertising 

    Consistent experiences are produced by brands for every touchpoint. 


     Eco-friendly practices and features have been integrated into CMS systems. 


    CMS Trends of 2024 - Lucent Innovation

    Remember that these predictions are subject to change. The landscape may change as trends change and technology advances. On the other hand, our thorough overview offers a helpful place to start when choosing a CMS. 

    Getting Around the CMS Landscape in 2024 

    Even though CMS technology has a bright future ahead of it, there are already many strong platforms available to suit your unique requirements on a variety of current platforms. Whether customization, security, scalability, or ease of use are your top priorities, the ideal CMS is out there just waiting to be found.   

    Lucent Innovation will be available to help you navigate the CMS environment if you need professional guidance and support. 

     As a full-service digital agency with a specific focus on e-commerce, we are experts in: 

    • Building custom applications: We create one-of-a-kind apps that are suited to your particular requirements, improving productivity, expansion, and profitability. 

    • Collaborating together with e-commerce platforms: To increase sales, attain growth, and broaden their customer base, we partner with aspirational e-commerce firms. 

    Ready to reach your full online potential?   

    Get in touch with Lucent Innovation right now to talk about your upcoming project and discover the ideal CMS to grow your company. 

    To find out more, Contact us! 

    Also, read: Headless CMS- A response to the new IoT Era

    Nidhi Inamdar

    Sr Content Writer

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