Digital commerce (D-commerce) focuses on the exchange of electronic goods and services. This blog covers key strategies for digital marketing in e-commerce, including email marketing, SEO, social media, content marketing, and SEM.
D- commerce is a type of e-commerce used by organization that deliver products online. It is considered as e-commerce, but it deals with exchange of electronic goods. Customers start an account with a digital commercial company and can purchase text and content from publishers, but they only have to relay their financial information once.
This makes for a more secure online environment. This term is far more deep than online transaction which includes research, development, marketing, servicing, selling and buying products (the entire customer experience) for all devices and platforms including desktops, mobile/tablets, social networks, etc.
The pace of progress of digital commerce means it's moving from a short story film into a rapid montage of online customer experience snapshots.
We, as individuals "feel" this every day, using search, using online commerce, so organizations need to keep appealing to the individuals to ensure their experience is a good one. The shake up in digital customer experience, and the demands of digital commerce, will continue to grow - we know the solution is better control over the priority aspects of customer experience coupled with the creative differentiator that rarely lies within the technology but is enabled by it.
The future of this space is fascinating - if only we had more time away from the daily demands now to wonder what it might bring.
Email marketing is still one of the most powerful ways to communicate with your customers. It is still the primary tool for business communication. Email before big data and sophisticated technology was all about just blasting your database with a blanket email. In fact, this is still the way most ecommerce businesses use email.
Many companies are used to paying to appear in Google’s search results but achieved via AdWords. Often not enough attention is paid to optimizing websites for search through tactics that were not considered a couple of years ago by many.
Social media is still often considered a plaything for teenagers and the immature adult. The baby boomer generation is now one of the fastest adopters of social media. So, the reality is much different.
Content is a two-syllable word that has become an online marketing strategy that has far reaching effects that belies its verbal simplicity. It impacts search engine results, drives online engagement and can create brand awareness at velocity when it goes viral. With Google’s recent updates the role of content has increased in priority. The search giant is now rewarding sites with higher rankings that offer unique content that delivers a quality user experience.
Often ecommerce start-ups have a limited budget. All the money is spent on the design and website development, and they expect the buyers to just “show up”! It is not a build it and they will come. 550 million plus websites and counting makes for a crowded web. You need to buy some attention especially when the website is launched.
Also, read - How The Man Company Expanded Marketing Reach with New Features
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