Laravel vs Spring boot: Which is the right framework for you?

By Nidhi Inamdarauthor-img
June 29, 2023|10 Minute read|
/ / Laravel vs Spring boot: Which is the right framework for you?

What is Laravel?  

Laravel is a web application framework developed by Taylor Otwell in 2011. Like all modern frameworks, Laravel follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. Laravel emphasizes elegance, simplicity, and readability. Regarding building applications with PHP frameworks, Laravel is second to none.  

Since Laravel is open source, you can find the source code in its GitHub repository here. You can also find the framework's documentation here.  

Usage Statistics in Laravel Framework:  

  • Laravel has a 0.16% market share among web frameworks, which indicates its growing popularity in the industry.  

  • More than 685,868 live websites are currently built using Laravel, with a remarkable concentration of 1.94% (one million) in the USA region.   

  • With 73k GitHub stars, 22.5k forks, and 608 dedicated contributors, Laravel enjoys a strong community and active development support.  

 Laravel Framework use cases 

  • Laravel is widely used for developing SaaS-based web applications that allow companies to offer software solutions to their customers over the Internet.   

  • It finds applications in on-demand streaming web apps, allowing users to access and stream content on platforms such as video-on-demand services or live streaming platforms.  

  • Laravel is used to create e-learning web applications that provide a platform for online education and training courses.    

  • Laravel is used in stock trading web management systems that facilitate managing and tracking stocks, exchange rates, trading quotes, and other financial data.   

  • Laravel is suitable for developing web apps with reward and recognition features that allow companies to introduce gamification elements and loyalty programs for their users.    

  • Laravel can be used to develop self-hosted website performance monitoring apps that help companies track and optimize the performance of their websites.  

Popular apps that use Laravel as a back-end technology include:  

  • Laracasts: an e-learning website that offers various courses and expert-led technical support.  

  • Barchart: a financial portal with real-time global market data, including stock prices, exchange rates, and more.  

  • Asgard CMS: A modular, multilingual CMS that offers ready-to-use modules for content management and back-end support.  

  • World Walking: A healthcare platform encouraging people to walk through reward and recognition programs.  

  • Neighborhood Lender: A mortgage calculator and finance platform that simplifies complex mortgage processes using Laravel back-end support.  

Apps that use Laravel as backend technology

Why is Laravel one of the most popular frameworks in 2023?  

The popularity of Laravel as a PHP framework is due to several key factors:  

  • Eloquent ORM: Laravel's Eloquent ORM simplifies database interaction with an intuitive object-oriented syntax, promoting clean and maintainable code.   

  • Artisan CLI: The Artisan command line interface automates repetitive tasks, saving developers time and effort in database migrations and testing.   

  • Blade Templating Engine: Laravel's Blade templating engine provides a clean syntax for HTML generation that facilitates reusable layouts and components and improves code organization.    

  • Built-in security features: Laravel emphasizes security and protects against common threats such as CSRF, SQL injection, and XSS attacks.  

  • Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control: Laravel's support for Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control promotes a modular architecture and separation of concerns, resulting in cleaner and more testable code.    

  • MVC Architecture: Laravel's adherence to MVC architecture improves code organization, simplifies development, and simplifies debugging and testing.   

  • Vibrant ecosystem and community: Laravel benefit from a thriving ecosystem with a wide range of packages and resources, supported by an active community that provides updates, bug fixes, and new features.   

  • Laravel Forge and Envoyer: Laravel Forge automates server management, while Envoyer provides seamless zero-downtime deployments and integrates seamlessly with popular cloud platforms.    

  • Extensive documentation and learning resources: Laravel provides extensive documentation and learning resources such as Laracasts to help developers learn and keep up to date with the framework.    

  • Scalability and performance: Laravel include caching, task scheduling, event broadcasting, and advanced queue management that enable developers to optimize applications for Scalability and high performance.    

  • Continuous innovation and improvement: Laravel's creator and development team constantly introduces new features and improvements, ensuring the framework remains cutting-edge.  

These features help make Laravel popular with developers looking for a powerful, flexible, and efficient PHP framework.    

How to optimize Laravel?  

Optimizing Laravel's performance is critical to the success of an application. Developers need to focus on optimizing the performance of Laravel applications to improve their efficiency and overall user experience. Laravel is a fast framework with numerous built-in features and functions that improve performance, such as Memcache, database support, and Redis. By implementing code tweaks and caching mechanisms, developers can significantly increase the performance of their Laravel applications. As Google Trends shows, it is important to note that Laravel is currently PHP's most popular back-end tool.  

How to optimize Laravel - Infographics

There are different methods to optimize Laravel Performance; some of them are:  

  • Route caching: Use the "PHP artisan route: cache" command to cache route data and improve page load speed.    

  • Optimize Composer: Use the "--no-dev" and "-o" parameters when installing Composer packages to remove unnecessary dev dependencies and improve performance.  

  • Reduce auto-loaded services: Disable unnecessary service providers in the config/app.php file to improve Laravel speed.  

  • Use artisan commands and cache effectively: Use commands like "php artisan config: cache" and "php artisan view: cache" to cache configuration and display files for faster loading.    

  • Reduce the use of packages: Pay attention to the dependencies and size of the packages you include in your Laravel application to avoid performance degradation.    

  • Upgrade to the latest version of PHP: Keep your PHP version up to date to improve performance and security.    

  • Use queues: Move time-consuming tasks to a queue to improve online request performance.    

  • Use deployment tool: Use deployment tools like Deployer to automate deployment operations and save time.    

  • Use Lumen for small projects: Consider using the lightweight micro-framework Lumen for small applications that do not require the full feature set of Laravel.   

  • Use JIT compilers: Use a just-in-time (JIT) compiler such as HHVM to optimize PHP code execution and improve performance.    

  • Use Eager Loading: Use Eager Loading in Laravel's Eloquent ORM to reduce the number of database queries and improve performance.    

  • Compress images: Optimize image loading speed by compressing images with tools like TinyPNG or ImageMin.    

  • Use a CDN: Deliver static content through a content delivery network (CDN) to improve global accessibility and speed up page loading.    

  • Minimize JS and CSS code: Shrink JavaScript and CSS files to reduce their size and speed up page loading.    

  • Use asset bundling: Use tools like Laravel Mix or Laravel Packer to bundle and compress JavaScript and CSS files for optimized performance.    

  • Limit included libraries: Remove unnecessary libraries from your Laravel application to reduce overhead and improve performance.    

  • Consider using New Relic: Use Application Performance Management (APM) tools such as New Relic APM tool to monitor and optimize Laravel application performance.  

What is a Spring boot Framework?  

Spring Boot is a popular open-source micro-framework actively supported by Pivotal that provides Java developers with a practical platform for building production-ready Spring applications. It simplifies the development process through automatic configuration and saves developers time that would otherwise be spent setting up and configuring their Spring applications. With Spring Boot, developers can quickly build robust Java applications without worrying about manual configuration.  

Watch out our blog on Spring vs Spring boot to get more idea about Spring boot Framework.

Use cases of Spring boot.  

  • Microservices: Simplifies microservices' development, deployment, and scaling in distributed systems.  

  • Web Development: Convenient for building robust and scalable web applications.  

  • RESTful APIs: Excellent support for building REST endpoints and dealing with web services.  

  • Batch processing: Efficient execution of batch jobs for data synchronization and reporting tasks.  

  • Integration: Enables seamless integration between systems and services through frameworks such as Spring Integration and Spring Cloud Stream.  

Why choose Spring Boot?  

  • Flexible configuration: Spring Boot allows you to flexibly configure Java beans, XML configurations, and database transactions.  

  • Powerful batch processing: It provides robust support for batch processing and efficiently manages REST endpoints.   

  • Automatic configuration: With Spring Boot, you no longer need to perform manual configurations. It provides automatic configuration that saves you time and effort.   

  • Annotation-based development: Spring Boot promotes annotation-based development that simplifies the development process and makes it easier to understand and manage the application.    

  • Simplified dependency management: Spring Boot simplifies dependency management by handling them automatically, reducing the complexity of dependency management.  

  • Embedded servlet container: It includes an embedded servlet container that eliminates the need for external deployment containers and simplifies application execution and deployment.  

Laravel vs Spring boot a comparison  



Spring boot 




Framework Type 

Full-featured framework 

Microservices framework 


MVC (Model-View-Controller) Flexible, 

Supports MVC and other architectural styles 

Development Time 

Quick and Speedy 

Efficient due to auto configuration and convention 

Learning Curve 

Relatively easy for PHP Developers 

Steeper learning curve for beginners, but extensive documentation & community support 


Good Scalability for midsized applications 

Excellent scalability, designed specifically for building and scaling microservices 


Moderate Performance 

High performance due to its lightweight nature & optimized features 


Large & active Laravel ecosystem 

Extensive Spring ecosystem with a wide range of libraries and tools 

Database Support 

Supports multiple databases through ORM (Eloquent) 

Strong support for relational databases through Spring Data JPA and other data access options 


Active& Supportive 

Large & Vibrant 

Industrial Use 

More popular with CMS and web development systems 

More used with enterprise applications and microservices architecture 


Larvel Vs Springboot - Springboot Vs Laravel

When it comes to choosing between Laravel and Spring Boot, it ultimately comes down to usability and the needs of your project. Spring Boot is a recommended choice for complex projects that require careful attention. On the other hand, Laravel is not far behind, offering a seamless user experience with its integrated Laravel eCommerce system with a user-friendly UI and shopping cart functionality. Moreover, Laravel can offer a good return on investment if optimized properly.  

You can hire Laravel developers or hire a Spring Boot developer depending on your specific project requirements. Lucent Innovation is here for you if you are looking for a custom web development solution. We have an experienced team of Laravel and Spring Boot developers with years of experience. Our developers can help you meet your project requirements and help you stay ahead of your competition. Reach out to us today to discuss your web development needs. 

Also, read -  Django vs Laravel

Nidhi Inamdar

Sr Content Writer

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